Learn, Share, Advance

AUT University Library is hosting Open Access (OA) Week for postgraduate (masters and doctoral) students, researchers and Academic staff to attend.   One of the events offered during OA week include a workshop entitled ‘Depositing your thesis in Scholarly Commons’. This workshop is a useful tutorial to attend if you’re ready to submit your final bound thesis prior to graduating! The session will be offered on the following dates and times:

City: Wednesday 24 October 10 – 11am, Information Literacy Lab, WA 305, Library
North Shore: Thursday 25 October 10 – 11am, Information Literacy Lab, AL120, Library

It is important that you register your attendance.   Click on this link to register: www.supersaas.com/schedule/tutorials/Open_Access_Week

There will also be a panel discussion on Open Access which includes panel members; Associate Professor Pare Keiha (Pro VC Maori Advancement, Pro Vice Chancellor Learning and Teaching, Dean/Tumuaki Te Ara Poutama/ Faculty of Māori Development), Professor Welby Ings (Professor in Graphics, School of Art & Design), and Associate Professor Tony Clear (Associate Head of the School of Computing & Mathematical Sciences – Industry & Development). The University Librarian, Larraine Shepherd, will be the moderator.

The panel discussion will be held on Tuesday the 23rd of October (1pm – 2pm) at the City Campus Marae (in the Wharekai). No registration is necessary.

For more information about these events, contact AUT University Library by emailing the Research Repository Administrator, Rudy bin Mahli at rudy.binmahli@aut.ac.nz or, Jean Walker (Liaision Librarian) at jwalker@aut.ac.nz

Author: AUT University Library


About Annette

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