Decolonial Reading Group

Join us for some casual monthly reading and thinking centered on decolonial thought.

Based on the following definition, we will discuss how decolonisation, as decoloniality in action, impacts our research, practices and identities.

Decoloniality is the dismantling of relationships of power and conceptions of knowledge that foment the reproduction of racial, gender, and geo-political hierarchies that came into being or found new and more powerful forms of expression in the modern/colonial world. (Maldonado-Torres, 2006, p. 117).

The first meeting is happening tomorrow: Wednesday 28th March, 10am-12pm in WG606.

We are recommending this two readings for the session:

Mignolo, W. D. (2007). Delinking: The rhetoric of modernity, the logic of coloniality and the grammar of de-coloniality. Cultural studies, 21(2-3), 449-514.

Tuck, E., & Yang, K. W. (2012). Decolonization is not a metaphor. Decolonization: Indigeneity, education & society, 1(1).



Diana Albarran Gonzalez:

Lana Lopesi:



Maldonado-Torres, N. (2006). Césaire’s gift and the decolonial turn. Radical Philosophy Review, 9(2), 111-138.


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4 thoughts on “Decolonial Reading Group

    1. Great Abigail. Feel free to join in the meeting today at 10am in WG606, or email the organisers to keep in touch for future meet-ups.

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