February 15, 2021: COVID-19 update for research students

Kia ora Graduate Research Students,

In Auckland, Alert Level 3 applies from midnight Sunday 14 February until midnight Wednesday 17 February at this stage, with regular updates from Government. Unfortunately this has implications on research activity. Restrictions set by Government for the differing alert levels may be located here. For Alert Level 3:

All face-to-face research activities are not allowed, including public events, personal interviews, and experiments involving human subjects. These should be conducted remotely, where possible.

For those in Auckland, if you have research activities planned for this week, your first contact point should be your primary supervisor. Note that laboratory activity will also be restricted, so check with your laboratory manager and/or primary supervisor who will have information relevant to your department. Campus is closed.

Hopefully this will be but a brief precautionary imposition, and your research may then proceed as planned very soon.

We will be in touch with updates as needed.

Nigel Harris

Acting Dean, Graduate Research School

About Graduate Research School (Auckland University of Technology)

The Auckland University of Technology Graduate Research School offers support and resources to all postgraduate students at AUT. Come and visit us on the 5th floor of the WU building.

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