University Postgraduate Writer’s Retreat, Nov 2012









The second AUT Postgraduate Writers’ Retreat was held at Vaughan Park last week and, going by all accounts, it was a successful event for those who attended. As facilitators, we really enjoyed being able to offer a programme that supported the students with their research and had such positive engagement by all. There were opportunities to have individual advisory sessions, attend workshops on writing, editing, publishing and reviewing, work with peers and join in group gatherings. Plus of course walking on the beach. Two extra highlights included visits by invited guests Dr Adam Taylor, Dr Mikki Williden, Philippa Smith and Parma Nand who told their stories about finishing the research journey. The venue provided a great place for restoring the mind and a restful space for writing and, we hope, sharpened the focus on writing by the students from here on.

Thanks to the University Postgraduate Centre for their support of this event and in particular, Annette for all her careful planning and Rene for her communications to everyone.  Looking forward to next year’s 2013 Retreat!  See participant feedback posted below.  More photos are provided on this link.

Authors: Dr Jennie Billot and Dr David Parker

Participant Feedback:

“Kia ora, I would like to thank AUT for organising the Writers’ Retreat at Vaughan Park, 18th to 21st November.  I cannot express how much I valued attending this retreat, as a Postgrad Masters student.  The facilitators Jennie and David were awesome, their knowledge and experience I have found to be of exceptional help to getting me back on track with my thesis writing.  I live in Whakatane, and as a distant learner I have struggled to find the time or place to be able to share with other students who are going through the same journey as me.  Studying for me can be so lonely and this brings on apprehension, doubt etc etc, but this retreat has taken away these feelings through the mere fact of providing me with the opportunity to meet some wonderful people studying in similar faculty and the time to get to know them, but most important of all was the time away from my every day busy life to concentrate solely on my writing, time I would never have been able to set aside if it wasn’t for this retreat and it’s wonderful setting and facilities.

“Thank you once again for organising this retreat, and I look forward to being part of any future writing retreats – Tui Edwards

I would like to pass on my thanks to AUT, the PG team and Jennie and David for providing the retreat.   I found it extremely beneficial to get away from daily life, connect with other students and give my work some solid and continuous thought.  Jennie and David were consistently accessible generously sharing their experience and expertise in workshop and by appointment. After meeting with David and discussing some general and structural ideas of my thesis I found a renewed confidence about my work. The venue provided very comfortable accommodation and we were certainly well fed.  I feel this type of collect activity is very useful for PG research – particularly as many of us operate in interdisciplinary subject areas and struggle to find connections with others having similar experiences.  Thanks AUT for supporting it – Hannah Ickert” 

“An excellent opportunity to be refreshed by hearing other writers stories and realising you are not alone in the struggle to create; to reconnect with the writing process and have access to feedback; and lastly, to rejuvenate the mind and body within a beautiful setting! – Wendy Moore” 

 “A boost to my motivation to keep writing is precisely what I needed and got from this retreat.  That feels so good and I am grateful – Jordan Alexander

 “I guess for me the real value was connecting with other students. As a distance student life can feel pretty lonely at times. It was a pleasure to be in the company of very capable and interesting fellow students who are undertaking some fabulous areas of study. The interrupted writing time, along with the space for reflection and connection has bought my 2012 study to a wonderful close. The retreat helped to gain clarity, perspective and focus, and i am really looking forward to my writing in 2013. It does not seem like such a daunting task after all.   Thanks again, best wishes to you all for the new year ahead – Louise Tester

Thanks to your efforts, we had a very good time at the retreat: it was effective; fun and relaxing.  The session at the beginning was very useful for me. The individual session I attended helped me a lot with confidence about the way I’m going and the quality of work. There is nothing wrong to say about the hospitality; it was fantastic. I feel that having conversations with 4 guys who have already finished their PhDs were very useful. It helped me to understand that people can approach to the end of the process with their own personalities. some people work hard and all the time, but some work smart and quickly and have a balanced life. it was apparent in the four conversations.  Thanks to the guests who shared their lovely experiences toward the end of the sessions.   Thanks David and Jennie, for the effort there and all others including Annette and Jan for organizing it – Chamila Ramanayaka

“I had wonderful experience at the Writer’s retreat! I loved to listen to others’ stories, which made me feel I belong to a group of people; I loved to share my experience, which made me realized how blessed I am to have the chance to pursue a PhD. The beautiful surroundings, the smiley faces, the passionate voices, and the healthy food… everything is still coming to my mind again and again. Sincere thanks to postgraduate centre and special thanks to Dr. Jennie and Dr. David. Really hope I could have another Writer’s Retreat before I finish my PhD. – Qi Guo”


About Annette

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