Author: Nikki Mandow
Discussions at this retreat have reminded me about the importance of a critical friend. My post-grad experience has tended to be one of frustrating aloneness with my (insert expletive) thesis. The sheer size of the document means I have tended to feel reluctant to ask colleagues, friends, family etc to read it. Now I’m trying to think creatively how I can use critical friends at this final stage of my writing. For example, last night I approached my step mother and asked if she would be prepared to read the introduction and conclusion together to check whether as a new reader she thinks they hang together as a cohesive whole (see page 27 of the retreat booklet). She is actually fine with that – maybe even flattered that I asked. I’ve also thought of a former colleague who might not mind if I approached her with another query that needs a fresh set of eyes.
Don’t forget it’s a two way deal, you can be a critical friend for someone else when they need one. Both parties can learn from each other.