The End

Author: Nikki Mandow

Sometimes over the last 18 months I have wondered whether I would ever finish my thesis. But all things do come to an end. Word of advice: leave a few days to get everyone’s signatures on the Lodgement of Thesis for Examination form – all supervisors and the Associate Dean had to sign and if they are on different campuses (and might not be in the office every day) that’s not necessarily easy. Another word of advice: once you pick up your three copies of the bound thesis from the printers, don’t look at it too closely – the first thing you see is a typo! Third piece of advice: Go Celebrate.

PS I also strongly recommend getting an expert to do the formatting of the long document. Getting all the headings, bullet points, quotes etc in the right format with the right spacing, and all the page numbers etc in the right, would have been a nightmare (in my opinion), but it was a breeze watching someone else do it. I used Sue Knox, who was great and only $40 an hour, but I’m sure others do that too. BUT, if you use Endnote, don’t make your chapters into a long document too soon, not before all your references are in and pretty clean. My experience is that Endnote runs go-and-make-a-cup-of-tea slow once it has 60,000 words to cope with.

PS2 Below is me signing the Attestation of Ownership in the Postgrad Office – the Absolutely Final Step

PS3 All the very best to everyone doing Masters and PhDs at AUT



About Nikki Mandow

8 thoughts on “The End

  1. Oh, it seems such a loooong way off…I’m still working on my Proposal! Does everyone else know what they’re doing? Or is it something you learn as you go along? A thesis always seemed to me to be something that only someone very brainy could do….eek…what am I doing?!!!
    Thanks for posting though Nikki, as it does give encouragement to those like me, who are just at the beginning of the journey.
    Well done!

  2. Great to reach this milestone Nikki! It takes a lot of work and determination to get there.
    I am also pleased that attending the recent AUT Postgraduate Writers’ Retreat provided you with just the right space and time to finish it.

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