‘The Club’ finishes another great year

How’s this for a happy bunch of post-grads?


‘The Club’ doctoral group has now been running out South for almost two years. Here is a photo of that last meeting for 2015. One of the students had just finished practicing their PGR9 and another had just told us all how great it felt to finally hand in their thesis.

Doctoral groups are a great way to make friends, share tips and develop presentation skills in a supportive environment.

If you are a doctoral student who studies at AUT South (or lives out South) you are welcome to join the group. We meet once a month. For more information email Kathryn.Owler@aut.ac.nz

See The Club in action in this previous video post.

About Kathryn Owler

Dr Kathryn Owler is a Postgraduate Learning Advisor at AUT University. Her job is to assist postgraduate students to develop their academic skills, including writing. Kathryn is very interested in understanding the relationship between the writer and their writing; this includes finding ways to enhance the writing experience. She completed her PhD on the experience of dissertation writing and has subsequently publishing several papers on the topic. Kathryn currently attends AUT postgraduate writing retreats as a facilitator.

1 thoughts on “‘The Club’ finishes another great year

  1. What a great picture! Full of diversity in its many forms. And lovely smiles all round.

    Go well and may the New Year see you closer to completion. Keep your group going! One takes recourse to visiting such examples of intellectual companionship when one has moments of isolation in the writing phase
    such as this moment.

    Kia kaha

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