Photos from the 1 June PG Mix & Mingle + Peer Mentoring Groups!

We had another fabulously buzzy PG mix & mingle last week, with lots of students staying on from the Doctoral Induction, and many more joining for the evening’s festivities.


You were all so photogenic that we had to create a Facebook album.

The topic of the evening was Postgraduate Peer Mentoring groups. In case you haven’t heard, there are quite a number of groups you can join to meet fellow postgrads, socialise, and talk about your research. Most are student-run, and there are groups on every campus. After the mix & mingle, a brand new group formed – so if you’re working with mixed methods, check it out.

The available groups are:

  • QUANTITATIVE METHODOLOGY DISCUSSION GROUP: (Akoranga) Learn about relevant theories and applications of various quantitative methodologies. Contact Ema Tokolahi at
  • SUSTAINED SILENT READING: (City) Work through your academic reading list with the same friendly, peaceful comradery you had during SSR at school. Contact Emily O’Hara on
  • NZAID SCHOLARS & ASEAN STUDENTS NETWORK: (Akoranga) Meet students who are receiving an NZAID scholarship and/or have come to NZ from a South East Asian country. Contact Rudy Harahap on
  • POSTIE PEERS: (City) Calling all postgraduate students researching in a “POST something” paradigm e.g. Post-structural?  Post-modern? Post-human? Post-positive? Contact Kate O’Connor on
  • MIXED METHODS DISCUSSION GROUP: (Akoranga) We meet fortnightly to discuss mixed methods research and hear from expert speakers. Contact Geeta Sharma at for more info.
  • TOURISM & HOSPITALITY RESEARCH ROUND TABLE: (City) Heads up postgrads and PhDs in the School of Hospitality & Tourism! Contact Sabrina Seeler at for info.
  • THE CLUB @ AUT SOUTH: (South) Share cake & conversation with doctoral students based on the South campus. Contact Kathryn Owler at
  • ART+DESIGN PG CLUB: (City) Join with other Art + Design postgrad students for conversation and the sharing of ideas. Contact Emily O’Hara on

These are postgrad-only groups (except The Club @ AUT South which has a staff facilitator), and they are friendly and informal. Bring your questions, bring your ideas, and bring your appetite because there are often delicious snacks involved.

About Graduate Research School (Auckland University of Technology)

The Auckland University of Technology Graduate Research School offers support and resources to all postgraduate students at AUT. Come and visit us on the 5th floor of the WU building.

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