Writing from home can seem daunting and it can be hard to make good progress. Fortunately, AUT’s Shut Up and Write! sessions are now available via Zoom.
The online drop-in sessions are scheduled on Mondays 9:30 – 11:45am*: Access through Zoom
*Sessions may change subject to demand
The format for Shut Up and Write! sessions involves ‘pomodoros’ (25 minute bursts of focused writing) interspersed with short breaks to keep you mentally primed for productivity. The format for our Monday morning sessions will be:
- 9:30 Welcome and intros
- 9:40 1st pomodoro
- 10:05 Short break (5 mins)
- 10:10 2nd pomodoro
- 10:35 Short break (5 mins)
- 10:40 3rd pomodoro
- 11:05 Short break (5 mins)
- 11:10 4th pomodoro (slightly longer)
- 11:40 Debrief and reflect on journey
- 11:45 Close
We have a nominated host for the session, and they are the timekeeper for the 25 minute pomodoros. When a pomodoro is on, everyone is muted (with video on). The host comes back when time’s up. Everyone can unmute and chat during the break time.
We have short intros from everyone at the beginning – name, dept, what they’re working on. We also use the chat screen for other side conversations and any issues that people might be having with the session.
You do not need to attend the full duration of the session, but it is handy if you do so, as it gives us a chance to chat to one another and provide support as needed.
See you there!