On Saturday 22nd October, the AUT Climate Change Researchers’ Group held a panel discussion in the Betty Wark room of the Ellen Melville Centre, Auckland CBD.
The AUT Climate Change Researchers’ Group was launched in July 2022, with the purpose of connecting postgraduate students researching climate change-related topics from across the university. Our event – AUT researchers’ perspectives on climate change – was part of the Auckland Climate Festival, a festival of climate change-related events taking place across Tāmaki Makaurau throughout October.
The aim of our panel discussion was to share what we’ve found through our research and reflect on our research journeys so far. This was the first event we’ve run as a group.
Lucia Hu (an Honors student in the School of Science) chaired the discussion and directed questions to our four panellists:
- Dr. Maibritt Pedersen Zari, Associate Professor from the School of Future Environments (guest panellist)
- Cate Ryan, PhD candidate from the School of Science
- Zuhaib Tayar Mirza, PhD candidate from the School of Future Environments
- Nina Ives, PhD candidate from the School of Social Sciences and Public Policy

Lucia asked questions about our research insights, how our research can contribute to society, the challenges involved with researching such a broad issue and how we stay motivated when climate change can be so overwhelming. Another question related to the festival’s theme ‘Ancestor, Me,’ and focused on how we saw our research benefiting future generations.
Audience members also asked several questions. These focused on Aotearoa NZ’s energy policy mix, measuring consensus in decision-making, the role that small to medium enterprises can play in mitigating climate change and pathways to getting our research in front of decision makers.
Audience feedback
- “I love the diverse fields they are in.”
- “Good to know there is work around prevention, accountability, alternative solutions and new city designs.”