The Graduate Research School is thrilled to present the 2022 AUT Postgraduate Research Symposium at the city campus on Thursday 17 November!

This year’s Symposium features a keynote presentation from AUT PhD graduate Dr Peter Jean-Paul, whose research into home energy saving devices incentivised energy suppliers to introduce this green technology in their customers’ homes. You may remember Dr Jean-Paul from his 3MT performance in 2019, when he placed in the top 10 for the entire Asia-Pacific region. His keynote will focus on his 5 top tips for success in postgraduate research.
Throughout the day, nearly forty postgraduate students will give oral presentations on their research. Hear how our roads could be revolutionised to absorb carbon dioxide, how robots can help with stroke rehabilitation, how scholars can decolonise peer review processes, and much more.
We will also feature around a dozen posters on topics such as how to feed pāua sustainably using wine industry byproducts, and how to create digital gym instructors! View the posters, speak to their authors, and vote for your favourite to win the Best Poster award.
We will cap off the day with some closing words at a Mix & Mingle, where we will also announce the winners of our awards for Best Abstract and Women in Science Communication awards, as well as Best Poster.
So please do join us to celebrate our postgraduate researchers, share good kai and conversation, and learn something new.
All are welcome; register to attend on LilRegie here. (You can specify which events you would like to attend.)
Keep an eye out for the full programme of student presenters in the coming days!