AUT has recently subscribed to a database of over 200 video lectures on a huge range of topics in research methods and data analysis.
CARMA (Consortium for the Advancement of Research Methods and Analysis) is particularly great for quantitative researchers, with loads of detailed deep-dives into regression, correlation, structural equation modelling, multilevel analysis, using big data, and much more.
Qualitative researchers can also find useful resources, with videos on grounded theory, coding, text mining, using photographs, and more.
The subscription also includes access to other materials like a set of 25 introductory lectures, Topic Interest Groups, webcast lectures, a PhD Prep Group, and discounted short courses.
If you need to upskill in research methods or data analysis, have a look at the full selection in the CARMA database. To access the resources, you will need to register for a CARMA account using your AUT email address. Check out the instructions below.

Here is a preview of just a few of the topics covered:
Correlation & Regression Models
- Power Analysis with Regression Models: Sample Size Planning for Power and Accuracy
- TIG-Advanced Regression Analysis
- Modern Prediction Methods
- Effect Sizes for Categorical Moderation
- Restricted Variance Interactions
- Extending Methods for Integrating Moderation and Mediation
Structural Equation Methods
- Interactions in Latent Variable Models
- Confirmatory Factor Analysis with R-lavaan
- Introduction to Causal Mediation
- Longitudinal SEM
- Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM)
- Causal Indicators and Measurement Models
- Parcel Indicators in SEM
Multilevel Analysis
- Meta-Analyses as a Multi-Level Model
- TIG-Multilevel Analysis I
- TIG-Multilevel Analysis II
- Design Considerations for Simple and Complex Multilevel Studies
- Assessing the Validity of Higher-Order Multidimensional Constructs
- Hierarchical Linear Modeling
- Measures of Agreement for Group Level Research

Qualitative Analysis
- Rigor/Trustworthiness in Qualitative Research
- Content Analysis for Macro Research
- Reflexivity in Research Methods: Boundary Theory and the Researcher Role Continuum
- Grounded Theory/Discourse Analysis
- Rethinking the Qualitative Research Methods Section
- Text Mining in the Organizational Sciences
- Coding for Discovery
Strategic Management
- Omitted Variable Bias
- Casual Identification through a Cumulative Body of Research in the Study of Strategy and Organizations
- Verifying Empirical Research Findings
- Mixed Methods in Strategy and Organizations Research
- The When and Why of Effects: Moderation and Mediation in Strategic Management Research
Longitudinal Analysis
- Panel Data
- Event Sampling Methods
- Panel Data
- Experience Sampling Methods
Data Analysis & Research Methods
- How to Use Storytelling in Academic Writing: The Roles of the Methods and Results Sections
- Best-Practice Recommendations for Producers, Evaluators, and Users of Methodological Literature Reviews
- Network Analysis
- Neuroscience Methods and Organizational Research
- Big Data Concepts
- Big Data Analysis
- Multiple Imputation for Complex Organizational Data Structures
- Quantifying Content Validity
- Adapting Scales
- Dirty Data
- Continuum Specification in Construct Validation: A Proposal and Call for Research
- A Tutorial on the Causes, Consequences, and Remedies for Common Method Biases
PhD Prep Series
- Review of Bivariate Statistics
- Introduction to Multiple Regression
- A Method Lens on Developing a Research Pipeline and Research Identity
- Triangulation and Using Multiple Methods
Not quite what you need? Don’t forget that AUT also subscribes to the SAGE Research Methods database. SAGE allows you to explore different research methods via books, datasets, case studies, podcasts, and videos. You can even browse via your discipline to get guidance on the methods most commonly used in your particular field.