What’s On for PG Researchers in March?

This past month we’ve really enjoyed Orientation Week and meeting hundreds of new PG students joining the AUT whanau. Welcome everyone! Orientation is still going on, so check out the programme for details of what you might like to attend. We recommend the “IT Sorted” sessions for troubleshooting your tech issues; the very informative campus tours; and the yummy free lunches!

As you start (or continue) your PG research, you may be wondering whether (and how) you can use AI tools in your research and writing. The short answer is that you can use AI, but only in certain ways, and only with caution and transparency. You can read the full guidelines in the PG Handbook (from p.82) for all the details; and you can come to our AI workshops this month to learn more. “Responsible Use of AI in Research” (18 March) will go over some tips for using a range of different AI tools ethically; while “Introduction to AI Copilots for Research” (11 March) will show you how to use Microsoft Copilot to save time on common research tasks. The many thesis writing workshops also include some guidance on how to use AI when preparing the different sections of your thesis – including one on discussion sections that has a particular emphasis on AI (5 March).

In other news, the PG Researcher Development Planner has a fresh new look for 2025! If you haven’t checked it out, please do – it summarises all the workshops, resources, and events available to you, according to which research activity they support.

Read on for all the PG workshops scheduled for March!

Postgraduate Research Workshops in March 2025

Generating content for online researcher profiles
Focuses on thinking through who you are as a researcher for the purpose of generating and refining content for research profiles. Engage in practical activities to identify and reflect on what you research, how and why you research it, and who is in your research network. Bring a device and be prepared to log in to AUT’s Microsoft 365 during the workshop.
OnlineTue 4 Mar, 5:30pm – 7:30pm
Getting started with library research
Designed for new AUT postgrads or those returning to study. Learn about the types of databases and/or search engines you may use in your literature research, and techniques for searching. This workshop will cover essential library information for postgraduates, including finding grey literature, ordering an interloan, and making an appointment with your Liaison Librarian.
OnlineWed 5 Mar, 12pm – 1pm
Copilot writing lab: Using GenAI for discussion sections
Explores how we can use Copilot for aspects of the research writing process. We begin by summarising important knowledge about Discussion sections and then introduce a ‘choice map’ to outline the types of tasks we could ask Copilot to perform. Together we will craft and refine prompts and continuously critique responses. Bring your own reading and writing as we dynamically use Copilot for drafting and reflecting on research writing.
City campusWed 5 Mar, 5:30pm – 7pm
Writing clear and persuasive arguments
Considers fundamental differences between writing descriptively and persuasively. Participants will look closely at why some arguments are easy to follow. We also apply knowledge from the workshop to explore how Copilot can assist with the research writing process. Bring an article you have read recently and a sample of your own writing where you are either writing about past literature or discussing your research findings.
OnlineThu 6 Mar, 10am – 12:30pm
Understanding Format 2 at AUT: Q&A forum
This forum is an opportunity to ask questions about aspects of Format 2. Please note, you must watch the relevant video available on the Academic Resources page of the PG_Me organisation on Canvas within the “Research Journey” section prior to attending.
Thu 6 Mar, 10am – 10:45am
Developing a systematic search strategy to find Business literature – for postgrads and staff
This workshop will focus on finding literature for business research, taking you through a systematic literature searching process: developing a search strategy; using different search techniques; and best practices for recording and managing results.
OnlineThu 6 Mar, 11:30am – 1pm
Finding scholarship funding for postgraduate studies
This workshop will show you how to search for and find various scholarship and research funding avenues. There are different sources of funding for every postgraduate course and for every type of candidate.
OnlineThu 6 Mar, 1pm – 2pm
Thesis writing: Highlighting research significance
Explores where and how you can make your research findings stand out. Participants will consider ‘what matters’ and ‘who cares’ and where this information goes. Bring an article you have read recently and a sample of your own writing. Suited to PG research students who already have their research findings.
OnlineThu 6 Mar, 5:30pm – 7:30pm
Thesis formatting: The works
This workshop focuses on the best ways to use Microsoft Word to handle a long document such as a thesis. Topics covered will include: using styles, section breaks, table of contents, page numbering and using various techniques to move around a long document easily.
City campusSat 8 Mar, 9am – 2pm
Session 1: Systematic Literature Review (SLR) – curious!
Part one of a series of three workshops exploring systematic reviews. How is a systematic review different from a literature review? Why do people have different ideas on what a SLR actually is? This workshop outlines key differences between types of literature reviews and involves activities to help you decide which one is right for you.
City campusMon 10 Mar, 10am – 12pm
Introduction to AI Copilots for research
Microsoft Copilot is an AI-powered digital assistant available at no additional cost, and approved for use at AUT. This workshop demonstrates how Copilot can be used to streamline your research processes, including chatting with research materials; creating outlines for writing tasks, and more. We will also review how to use AI tools responsibly throughout your research project.
OnlineTue 11 Mar, 1pm – 2pm
Interviewing skills for qualitative researchers
This workshop aims to help researchers decide when interviews are suitable as a data gathering tool. It will look at the aim of interviews, what research questions they can answer and what they can’t.
OnlineTue 11 Mar, 5pm – 7pm
Session 3: Systematic Literature Review (SLR) – writing the introduction and method
Provides an overview of the structure of introduction and method sections for a systematic literature review. Identifies typical functions and distinctive features of these sections. Participants analyse and discuss text examples and relate these to their own writing or reading.
OnlineTue 11 Mar, 5:30pm – 7:30pm
Getting started with writing
Focuses on strategies to help researchers digest reading in preparation for writing about what you’ve read. Try freewriting and mapping concepts as strategies to get words on the page and then create more structured writing. We will also explore how Copilot can assist with the research writing process. Bring your device and an article you have read recently.
OnlineWed 12 Mar, 12pm – 2pm
Thesis writing: Literature review sections
An overview of the structure of literature reviews within a thesis. Identifies typical functions and distinctive features of this section in relation to the whole research project. Participants analyse, discuss and relate text examples to their own writing, and explore how Copilot can assist with the research writing process. Systematic reviews are not covered.
OnlineThu 13 Mar, 5pm – 7:30pm
SPSS quick start
SPSS is designed to assist researchers in the analysis of quantitative data, and is one of the most user-friendly and popular packages on the market today. This training course will teach participants how to successfully set-up SPSS data files and also run some basic analyses. No statistical knowledge is required for this workshop; however, the focus of the session will be on the SPSS software rather than statistical theory.
OnlineTue 18 Mar, 10am – 12pm
Responsible use of GenAI in research
This workshop will introduce a range of popular AI tools and their applications in conducting research and help you to critically evaluate their uses. The session will also explore ethical and academic integrity considerations in AI use with reference to AUT’s current guidelines.
OnlineTue 18 Mar, 5:30pm – 7pm
NVivo quick start
This course is targeted at researchers wanting an efficient means of handling and analysing their qualitative data. No prior knowledge of the software is assumed; however a basic understanding of qualitative analysis procedures would be helpful.
City campusWed 19 Mar, 9:30am – 4pm
Confirmation of Candidature: Q&A forum
This forum is an opportunity for doctoral students to ask questions about aspects of the confirmation of candidature. Please note, you must watch the ‘Confirmation of Candidature: Processes’ and ‘Confirmation of Candidature: Presenting Well’ videos available on the PG_Me organisation on Canvas prior to attending.
OnlineThu 20 Mar, 10am – 10:45am
Thesis formatting: BYO text
This practical, computer-based workshop is designed for research students who have started writing their dissertation/thesis in Microsoft Word and are having problems formatting their document. Learn the solutions to your issues and ways to prevent future problems. Note: You are encouraged to bring your work along; get hands-on assistance by solving your dilemmas.
City campusSat 22 Mar, 9am – 1pm
CV, cover letter & job interview tips for academic roles
Getting a job in academia is hugely competitive. If you want to stand a chance of succeeding, you’ve got to stand out. This workshop can help you understand what you should be adding to your CV or articulating in a job interview for a role in the academic world.
OnlineTue 25 Mar, 10am – 12pm
Doctoral oral examination: Q&A forum
This forum is an opportunity to ask questions about aspects of the doctoral oral examination. Please note, you must watch the ‘Doctoral Oral Examination: Processes’ and ‘Doctoral Oral Examination: Presenting Well’ videos available on the PG_Me organisation on Canvas prior to attending.
OnlineWed 26 Mar, 10am – 10:45am
CV, cover letter & job interview tips for working in industry
This workshop can help you understand what you should be adding to your CV or articulating in a job interview for a job in industry.
OnlineWed 26 Mar, 10am – 12pm
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About Graduate Research School (Auckland University of Technology)

The Auckland University of Technology Graduate Research School offers support and resources to all postgraduate students at AUT. Come and visit us on the 5th floor of the WU building.

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