
For most people postgraduate study is expensive. Some will be lucky enough to gain funding from public research bodies or industry, but often masters and PhD students pay their own way through part-time work and savings.

Given the cuts to research funding it can feel like its all bad news for anyone considering or involved in a research degree.  However, there are alternative funding options out there.

By alternative funding I mean funding from charities and trusts. Often overlooked or unknown, the voluntary sector gave out millions last year alone. So if you’ve been unsuccessful in your applications you should definitely consider this avenue.  Two sources of this type of funding information are:

CommunityNet Aoteraroa has a how to guide for funding. This guide provides helpful information about where and how to find funding, about funding applications, sponsorships, and related information for a project or professional development.

FundView contains over 700 funding schemes which come from government, local government, statutory and philanthropic trusts, gaming trusts and service organisations.  The database is fully searchable.

Author: Pip Hay

About Graduate Research School (Auckland University of Technology)

The Auckland University of Technology Graduate Research School offers support and resources to all postgraduate students at AUT. Come and visit us on the 5th floor of the WU building.

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