3MT Finals – watch online

During PG Week in August, Kudakwashe Tuwe took the title of AUT’s Doctoral 3 Minute Thesis winner. Now Tuwe is preparing to compete against other university winners at the Trans-Tasman 3MT Finals at the University of Queensland in Brisbane.

Probably few of us will be able to fly across the ditch for the live event, but never fear! You can watch Tuwe (and the other finalists) competing live online. Visit this link on Friday (2nd Oct) from 11:30am NZ time to watch.

The first round will start from 11:30am, and then the best of the best will battle it out for the title from 5:45pm NZ time.

This is like the Olympics of antipodean doctoral research, so we’re getting very excited. Good luck Tuwe!

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